The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2252   Message #8598
Posted By: Barry Finn
13-Jul-97 - 11:10 PM
Thread Name: Did I miss something? (policy on requests?)
Subject: RE: Did I miss something?
As you come in the door, you'll note blues & folk, there's been much debate on what that should encompass. It is loosly guided if at all & I'd say, thanks to Dick, Susan & others who's baby this is, is pretty much self governed, hence debate & disagreement (all healthy). Some like myself are staunch supporters of staying to blues& folk & even borderline or grey areas, others will allow pop, rock, musicals, etc. Some of the debate comes from the deferences of the definition of folk music, but if it is in that area it's usually accepted (the more it stays in that area, the more it will be accepted, at least by myself & Elsie). Part of the disagreement comes from whether it's acceptable to just go ahead & blatantly disreguard where it says Blues & Folk & become a fourm for anything that comes in that's musical or poetry or prose or ...... I hope this helps, we including Elsie aren't rude, only concerned about the direction this fourm & folk music in general takes. Enjoy & stay," New Blood Is Good For Growth". (Child # ?). Barry