The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55349   Message #861589
Posted By: Gervase
08-Jan-03 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Veterans Would Mudcat hook you in today?
Subject: RE: BS: Veterans Would Mudcat hook you in today?
Maybe not.
I first stumbled across the DT in the old Xerox days, and browsed the forum as a lurker for some time when Max first got it up and running before jumping in with my own fatuities a few years back.
Now, though, it's all bit crowded and getting increasinly hard to find a good thread for all the wittering (I'm sure Hull is a splendid place, but is it something in the water/beer that gives its residents the cyber equivalent of Tourette's?)
Not that I'm Hullist or anything, but it does remind me of the earlier days of the WWW when the first AOL users came online and pissed off the academics with their muddy footprints and knackered pick-ups littering the information superhighway. I suppose it's all part of the democratisation of cyberspace, but I do sometimes crave a smaller, quieter world without the shouted puns, the custard pies and the drunken drivelling. I can do all that in the privacy of my own home, for heaven's sake!
As for the rest of the content; aside from the PEL issue and the oh-so-predictable jerking of the knee at post 11/9/01 trolls, most of the arguments, jokes and observations seem have been made before.
I still come browsing back here every few days, but the intimacy, erudition and eloquence of the 'Cat isn't what it used to be. If the whole thing were to fall over or Max and the clones were to be carried off by aliens I can't say the quality of my life would suffer unduly.
So, in conclusion, there's probably nothing wrong with the Mudcat; it's merely that I've become an old fart.