The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55429   Message #861602
Posted By: GUEST
08-Jan-03 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Who loathes the USA: A quiz from the BBC
Subject: RE: BS: Who loathes the USA: A quiz from the BBC
As an American, I believe American citizens are just as much part of the problem as are the political, religious, and corporate leaders who run the global plutocracy from here, from London, from Bonn, from Brussels, from Paris, etc. Just like I believe European citizens are just as much part of the problem, and Japanese citizens, and the citizens of every other wealthy republic on the planet.

To me, the most dangerous thing to think is that it is just the Americans who are responsible for negative impacts of globalization, the perpetuation and exacerbation of world poverty, and the militarization of the planet. It isn't just the Americans by a long shot. The ethical and moral drift caused by these current trends are also rooted in the ethical and moral drift of the citizenry of the wealthy (supposedly) democracies. Without the tacit support of the citizenry, the global plutocrats couldn't be getting away with all the corruption, exploitation, etc.

Let us not forget, BBC is currently exploring their options for a merger with Disney. BNF has sold nuclear technology to lots of entities it should not have, that sort of thing. It seems to me the British like to point fingers at Americans as a means of absolving their own culpability in the mess that the Europeans and Americans have made of this world. Much more convenient to blame the other guy than change one's self, isn't it?