The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55534   Message #863251
Posted By: Amos
09-Jan-03 - 11:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your Influence Against War...
Subject: BS: Your Influence Against War...
I really apologize for adding to the non-music traffic, folks, but I think this might be important enough to justify it -- if it is true. I have not tested this line myself:

> Please make your voice heard on this incredibly important issue and send it
> to your mailing lists. You can help stop or start this war.
> Appreciatively, Wayne
> The Bush White House has an "opinion" line for you to call. So, whether
> you oppose or approve of the proposed war in Iraq, give a call. The line
> only accepts calls from 9-5 EST., Monday thru Friday. Just call the
> White House at 202-456-1111. A machine will detain you for only a moment
> and then a pleasant live operator will thank you for saying "I oppose"
> or "I approve." It will only take minutes. Note that the weekends are
> closed for calls. The president has said that he wants to know what the
> American people are thinking. Let him know. Time is running out.
> Then please forward this e-mail to peace-loving friends.