The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55548   Message #863743
Posted By: Amos
10-Jan-03 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Top Ways To Tell You Are AGING!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Top Ways To Tell You Are AGING!!!
The whole panoply of famous icons I once related to mentally is completely obsolete. There are two generations of completely regenerated and reinvented personalities. I still think of Katherine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, the Duke and Dirty Harry as movie stars. (My DNA has also forced me to make room for that beautiful wide-smiling Julia Roberts, but...). The people who are being cast up on the media driven celestial map of "stardom" these days are complete strangers to me. Music, fashion, politics, even literature with a few exceptions, might as well be from another planet. I still think proudly of Roy Campanella, Yogi Berra, ROger Maris and Mickey Mantle, for crissakes! LOL!!

I am gradually coming to terms with then otion that I am just hopeless as far as the mainstream goes, and it no longer bothers me, because I honestly don't think of the mian stream as very main, and possibly no more astream than Disneyland's Amazon Boat Excursion is!! :>)

Speaking of which, anybody heard from Annette Funicello?? LOL!!