The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55550   Message #864147
Posted By: Art Thieme
11-Jan-03 - 12:32 AM
Thread Name: Urgent Banjo Question
Subject: RE: Urgent Banjo Question
My pot is about 7 inches above the nut(s). That's because I'm left-handed like Elizabeth Cotton and Bill Staines but I never restrung my instruments so had to play upside-down. That was fine for me, but Elizabeth had a hell of a time keeping her skirt from flyin' up over her head. We had chicken tonight making the old saying from the depression, "A chicken in every pot" quite profound. When I was performing though I kept a rubber chicken inside my banjo pot so I'd have an excuse to tell fowl jokes while tuning. Never had to wear a jacket 'cause I already had a capon.

Oombanjo, If you have an 11-inch pot you are about the same circumference as a long-neck banjo neck already. Me, on the other hand, have a circumference the same as a Douglas Fir tree. I'm five foot seven inches tall and the tree is 140 feet tall. This proves what? I'd better go on a diet.

Also, the length from the nut(s) to my brige is about 2 & 1/2 feet. The bridge cost me at least as much as the whole damn banjo and I do suspect the dentist that made my bridge made out like a bandit. But I can eat anything now----apples, corn on the cobbb, beef jerky, hard water------hell, anything.

Art Thieme