The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55540   Message #864652
Posted By: Richard Bridge
11-Jan-03 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Maggie Thatcher Day
Subject: RE: BS: Maggie Thatcher Day
Claymore, I don't care what you think a claymore is. It is actually a traditional Scottish weapon.

I am glad to hear Thatcher had a stroke. I enjoy it every time I hear it. I hope she suffers long dying. I hope she rots in hell for eternity thereafter.

She destroyed the progress this country and the western world (possibly except America) were making towards civilisation, and towards reducing the gap between rich and poor.

For selfish and doctrinaire reasons she made millions suffer so her few fair weather friends could benefit. She did no good and much harm.

There may be others who have recently been more evil and malevolent than she. But not many.