The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11548   Message #86472
Posted By: Dan V.
13-Jun-99 - 10:49 PM
Thread Name: Howdy, Old Timer
Subject: Howdy, Old Timer
My grandfather used to sing a song to me that I loved. I remember much/most? of it, but would like to locate the lyrics. I have to assume it was from his childhood in the early 1900's. The lyrics I remember are:

Howdy, old timer.
It's good to see you,
Say, how be you?
I hope that everything's OK.

Honest, old timer,
I've never seen you
Looking finer.
I hope you'll always look that way.

And if you ever need a friend,
When hard luck knocks at the door,
Just make a bet I won't forget
What a friend is really for.

And between us, old timer,
We'll make your troubles
Fade like bubbles.
I'll stick, old timer, to you.

Has anyone heard this song before, or does anyone know anything about it?


Dan V.
Line Breaks <br> added.
-Joe Offer-