The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55595   Message #864847
Posted By: Joe Offer
11-Jan-03 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: New Mudcat Category: Folklore, Songbooks
Subject: New Mudcat Category: Folklore
Jeff (Pene Azul) works quick. I gave him two requests this morning, and already he has them working. One is a utility that helps the clones and me with grouping, and you'll see the results but not the utililiy.

The other is a new thread category: folklore. We've had a lot of non-music threads that give some terrific information about folklore. they are of great value to folk musicians and those who study folk music, and it's a shame to have them lost among the "BS" threads. Over the last few months, I have been adding the Folklore tag to threads when I notice them, but I know I've missed many. If you see any untagged threads that fit the Folklore category, please list them here in this thread. I'll see to it that they are renamed.

Thanks for all the wonderful work you do, Jeff.

Note that these tags are an important tool that should help people find their way around the 55,000 threads that have been created at Mudcat. Please try to be careful about how you title and categorize threads. Also, please try to start new threads only when you want to discuss a topic that hasn't already been discussed. If you want to add to a discussion, do it in an existing thread. You'll note that we have been combining or deleting threads that have been started simply to answer a comment made in another thread.

-Joe Offer-