The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11513   Message #86631
Posted By: Rex
14-Jun-99 - 03:03 PM
Thread Name: What instruments do catters play?
Subject: RE: What instruments do catters play?
I like to play anything you can bow or strum, blow into or across. I have no focus. I also enjoy finding instruments from around the world. One friend has a set line whenever I come up with something new. "Here's another instrument _REX CAN'T PLAY_. If I played just one thing maybe I would get good at it but that's no fun. I have given up on brass instruments and reeds mostly but I keep trying the clarinet. It sounds so neat. Keyboards of any kind confound me. I can't do a thing with a celtic harp. And I won't touch the bagpipes or any of it's cousins as I know where that would lead. I would end up playing nothing else.
