The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55673   Message #866794
Posted By: Burke
14-Jan-03 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bath Vs Shower, a gender thing?
Subject: RE: BS: Bath Vs Shower, a gender thing?
Continuing misophist's history. I think showers are more universal in the US than the UK. This may simply be because the US housing stock is newer & after 1940's showers were included in almost all new construction. Most older construction has been updated. I suspect showers are less universal in the UK.

My grandfather never did switch to showers. Most younger folks I know shower mostly with baths as an occasional indulgence. Mine are very occasional.

Showers use lots less water. Showers are faster, especially if there are others needing to use it. How clean you get depends on how you want to feel afterward. Baths will soak the dirt out but leave one with a film. Showers rinse it all off, but can need to get directed to some locations.

I lived in an apartment with just an old footed bathtub for a few years. I did get so I could be pretty quick about it and wash my hair, but the shower is easier. It sure was fun to do a long soak in that nice big tub. Most newer tubs are shorter & harder to really sink down into.

My sister once had a place where a shower had been added in the basement. It was just a curtained area off with the drain. Was that ever cold when you got done!