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Thread #55540   Message #867842
Posted By: GUEST,Kimberlin (On a guest log-in)
15-Jan-03 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Maggie Thatcher Day
Subject: RE: BS: Maggie Thatcher Day
Let's cut the bullshit and stick to facts -

Mrs Thatcher's politics were evil in that she had the knack, through being a right winger, of taking a genuine problem and always picking the policy that benefited the few at the expense of the majority.

Mrs Thatcher will probably go down in history as one of Britain's most successful Prime Minster's in terms of actually delivering the policies she set. Many think they were terribly wrong, as I did then and still do, but she did acheive them.

It is easy to forget because the main legacy of the Thatcher years is the massive shift to the right in British politics that the last "socialist" PM was actually a member of the Tory party, namely Edward Heath. His politics of then, brought forward to today, would be far to the left of New Labour (New Tories).

Pre "her!!" even Tories believed in the taxation doctrine of "from each according to his ability to pay to each according to his need" they only argued over the size of the slice. All flat fee taxation systems (of which VAT is the worst) hit the poorer end of the social spectrum harder than the richer end and are basically evil when levied on essential necessities - Thatcher was an advocate of this new style tax.

If labour rates in western europe due to fair wage legislation, health and safety rights etc were high she should have campaigned to bring about improvements in that legislation worldwide. But no - lets cut all those rights, encourage unbridled capitalism, remove all restraints on trade, even the sensible one's, and drive down the British unit cost of labour. She sowed and nurtured the seeds of greed on a worldwide basis.

Not due Mrs T alone I know but the thoughts set in train in the late 1980s by highly influential people like her sparked the reactions that ultimately lead to the terrorist attack on 11 September. They have lead to a lost generation of kids with no hope, they have lead to a greed and drug culture.

Need I go on - that woman at the time personified everything that is wrong with untamed free market economics - aaaarrgghhhh

I am no commie, just a middle of the road bloke with ethics sick to death of the greedy "stuff you jack" culture that is Mrs T's legacy to Britain and the world. There was quite a lot wrong with Britain then but unfortunately the so called solution has not cured many of those issues. It merely changed them and brought in even more new ones - hindsight shows we did throw out many babies with the bathwater!!