The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55540   Message #868412
Posted By: GUEST,Raedwulf
16-Jan-03 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Maggie Thatcher Day
Subject: RE: BS: Maggie Thatcher Day
Interesting points, Jude. Being English & hating politics anyway, I tend to miss stuff like that. I must however take you task over one tiny typo - "The english govt..." Indeed? Since *WHEN*???!!!

"UK govt", thank you, still stuffed full of welsh, scottish & Ulster MPs! Not that I've ever been a fan, particularly, of devolution, but if it's right for those parts of the country, why is it not right for England? And if their MPs retain a full say in English affirs, via Westminster, why do English MPs only have a limited say (i.e. not over bits covered by devolution) over them? Hardly fair, but another argument entirely, of course! *g*