The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17313   Message #868849
Posted By: Bearheart
17-Jan-03 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: I love Mudcat
Subject: RE: I love Mudcat
How do I love thee, let me count the ways...

For friendships with likeminded (and occasionally not likeminded) people

For the DT

For the forum which backs up the DT with other info on the songs when you're doing a search and can't find what you're looking for (I have encountered SO MUCH information when researching related threads-- websites devoted to lore of the Selchies, for just one recent example)

For the PM pages where you can have private converations with friends or share info that's not of general interest

for the Forum where so many kind souls will help you find words and references not found in the DT and other problems we all need help with

For an opportunity to share ideas, inspirations, the pleasure and love of music, hopes and fears, ideals

For showing us the world is not so big after all and we are not alone

I get on Mudcat at least twice a week when my life is busy, once a day when I can, and as often as possible when I'm traveling. I try not to spend more than an hour at a time, because it is so addicting; but I can't always limit myself to that. There's too much wonderful stuff here. Just for comparison, I seldom spend more than 3 hours a month looking at other sites on the net, though because of my work I am often on email an hour or two a day.
