The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55737   Message #869383
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
18-Jan-03 - 06:10 AM
Thread Name: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
The 'others' on 'Game for a laugh' was Sarah Kennedy, Radio 2 presenter. Matthew Kelly now presents 'Stars in their eyes'.

The trouble with the press situation at the moment is one of confidentiality. This hit the fan big time a few years ago when actor/poet Craig Charles (Red Dwarf, Robot Wars) was accused of rape. His name was plastered all over the papers before he was charged (except he never was) and her name was 'undisclosed to protect the innocent'. Except that he was the innocent one as she later dropped all charges and confessed to making it up for attention. She'd met him at a party, wanted to sleep with him, didn't get what she wanted and decided to make this rape claim up to get her own back for being snubbed. No-one remembers this, they just remember the headline 'Craig Charles raped me'.

He campaigned quite rightly, but unsuccessfully to have the laws changed so that the name of the accused is also protected, which I also think it should be. If found guilty, then OK, broadcast it, but if found innocent, then there is no damage done. Do you think that John Leslie will ever work in TV again, even if he's found to be innocent? It's indicative of public opinion that Leslie was vilified in the press but Matthew Kelly's treatment has been a lot more restrained and as it says above, he got a standing ovation when he returned to pantomime even though, Kelly's alleged crime is thought the worse of the two.