The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55737   Message #869480
Posted By: GUEST
18-Jan-03 - 11:08 AM
Thread Name: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
Re compensation:

My solicitor advised me to go for it (and strange as it may sound, even a police officer felt I deserved something) but I declined feeling I just wanted to put it all behind me and didn't want to face more "shit".

Around 12 months later I was persuaded to attempt to get compensation and with the help and advice of another solicitor, a letter was written to what I think was called "The Criminal Injuries Board". The reply went along the lines that they sympathised but there was not even a physical incident, let alone physical injury...

I really wished I'd have stuck with my first feeling and just let matters die.
