The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55737   Message #869502
Posted By: GUEST
18-Jan-03 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a paedophile
Subject: RE: Matthew Kelly is arrested as a peodophil
Oh come off it. Have a look-see through the DT, and you'll find plenty of songs by men about the nubile, the virgins. Men love young things, and the evidence of it is all around us. In the adverts, in films, in music, on the telly. You name it, the media reinforces male desire for the young and the innocent. To claim otherwise is ludicrous.

It's the double standard about it that bothers me. An adult male lusting after his daughter's or son's (if that is your thing) friends is not a thing to be ashamed of, but a matter of pride, and every man knows it. It means we still have a pulse, and an interest. Nothing wrong with that. Porn is healthy thing for men--it helps them keep their interest (ahem) up.