The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11590   Message #87162
Posted By: Fadac
16-Jun-99 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: singalong songs
Subject: RE: singalong songs
Drunken Sailor.

Some of my favorate verses.

"Put in charge of an Exon tanker"

"Put him in bed with the Captans Daughter" Followed with, "Have you seen the Captans Daughter" Make barfing moves/sounds followed with, "Here she comes swinging through the rigging", Tarzan yell, Ahhhh ahhh ahhhh, then duck down while looking up. This is to avoide the flying offspring of the dear Captan.

Last verse,"That's what we will do with that drunken sailor."

As you know there are about a million things to do to that bad sailor.

A little slower is one called Chariots. It is a pumping chanty, It starts out.

A drop of Nelsons blood wouldn't do us any harm, A drop of Nelson's blood wouldn't do us any harm.

We'll roll the chariot along, We'll roll the chariot along.

A little sip of beer wouldn't do us any harm.

Go on and on with some things that a sailor might like to do, night ashore, five hour sleep (most ships worked 4 hour watches), etc.

Another song I like is Once more.

There goes Jack Sprat the sailor lad, Who must go to sea once more, Once more, Once more, He must go to sea once more.

That is sort of a sad tune. But the choras is very nice when sung with a group.

Have fun,
