The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11153   Message #87165
Posted By: annamill
16-Jun-99 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: annap's gathering
Subject: RE: annap's gathering
Good morning All,

We have a cool day here in NY. It's only 74 with a gentle spring breeze. I think I'll take a walk down to Battery Park today and see the water.

I wanted to go see Liam's Bro last night, but an emergency at home prevented it. Next week. Sorry Dan, and MatthewB. Next week. Can't wait.

July 17th. Everyone's invited. My rivers are beautiful. I'm hoping to get out with my kayak this weekend. I'm going ocean fishing Saturday with 6 woman friends from 3pm til 10:30 pm. Fishing in the moonlight on the ocean. We'll probably catch Weakfish, or as some people call them, Ocean Trout. A light delicate taste. Lemon and butter. Mmmm.

Yeah, Heaven...

HAWD, Love, Annap