The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13672   Message #872541
Posted By: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
22-Jan-03 - 10:05 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: With Kitty I'll Go for a Ramble
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Kitty's rambles
I'd better confess and set the record straight- although it was no secret- I'm pretty sure I talked about it in my record notes at the time. The second verse was written by myself, at least I'm assuming that's the verse you mean, as I don't read Irish more's the pity.
Here are the words I added, to make that lovely song a bit longer:

O my darlin we lark of the heather, your voice is so sweet to me
As the stars all singin together where the mountains sweep down to   
the sea,
Sure and all of Erin's bright treasures, or her beautiful lochs and rills
Could not equal one smile from my Caitlin, my queen of the heathery hills.

George and I, newlyweds then, were visiting Sarah Makem...Seamus Ennis and Peter Kennedy had given us her name to "be sure to see" on our travels. While we were in Keady we were led to Sean O'Boyle and his fellow-professor at the school at which they taught- never forget the two of them running across the fields (a shortcut) and leaping the fences in those billowing, somewhat raggedy black "gowns" they wore when teaching (we must have taken them away on their lunch hour!)

Sean introduced his friend as Jerry Hicks. Sean sang several fine songs for us, then when we asked Jerry to sing, he requested that we put his name down as Dermott Barry, as he felt that a better name for a singer. After he finished, I was so stunned by the beauty of the song, and I asked if that were all of it- he said it was. A year or so later when we were recording some of our favorites from that trip, I added the middle verse. I know it was tampering, in a way, but I made every effort to notate my addition whenever it was reprinted or recorded. I do apologize if it has offended anyone- I so love the song!             Jean