The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55931   Message #873071
Posted By: GUEST,Q
23-Jan-03 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: De Camptown Races (Stephen Foster)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: De Camptown Races
Rich r discussed the relationships of "Camptown Races," "Ho, For California," and "Hoodah Day" in thread 14644 (24 Oct. 99, 12:07AM). Apparently little new has been found since then. Hoodah Day
In the same thread, Leslie N gives the lyrics of "Hoodah Day" from Boosey, ca. 1870, and there are interesting comments by Barry Finn.
Two of Hugill's versions, "Banks of the Sacramento," are in the DT; one of these was also published as "Sacramento" in "Songs of the American West," by Lingenfelter and Dwyer.
Also see thread 22289: Doo-Daa
The Hoodah Day and Camptown threads should be noted at the head of this thread, rather than the other songs, related only in that they are by Foster.
"Ho, For California," is not in the DT. Rich r gave part of it in the thread noted above. It appears in complete form in "Songs of the American West."