The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55999   Message #873128
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
23-Jan-03 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Subject: RE: BS: US & British war plans blocked
What threat is North Korea to anyone (except the North Koreans)? Perhaps they've got a "nuclear deterrent" - why is that a big deal to countries which walked that tightrope for forty years?

At present there appears to be no convincing evidence whatsoever that Iraq has these weapons. All we have is assertions that, since the inspectors haven't found them, that just shows how well they must be concealed, and proves that the Iraqis are obstructing the inspectors.

Somebody appears to be planning to obstruct the inspectors all right.

But please noone go saying that "Britain" is proposing to go to war. Every poll shows that a sizeable majority are opposed to doing so. And the same goes for America it appears, so far as any go-it-alone war is concerned. The trouble is that the people don't control the Government. That is one thing our countries have in common with Iraq.

Hell, in England it isn't even necessary to have a vote in Parliament to start a war.

I imagine there will be some Gulf of Tonkin type incident to get the war under way.