The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55991   Message #873398
Posted By: Bobert
23-Jan-03 - 08:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shape up you women...right now!
Subject: RE: BS: Shape up you women...right now!
Well, danged, Nicole. I wanted to take HomeEc in high school but they wouldn't let me. Yeah, I hated the shop teacher, Mr. Jenkins after the first week so I asked if I could transfer to Home Ec. Hey, they said that boys weren't allowed. Can you believe that? Like whadda ya do in Home Ec anyway. Sit around and gossip about the boys? Bake a few biscuits. Hey, I could have done that. Plus, it would have been a good place to groove with the cuties....

(Bad Bobert...)

No, but really, what did you womenz do in those classes?
