The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55991   Message #873488
Posted By: Bobert
23-Jan-03 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Shape up you women...right now!
Subject: RE: BS: Shape up you women...right now!

It ain't me. I am so utterly organized that I can lay my hands on anything anyone wants within 30 seconds. If I can't then a have a serious problem because my system does not allow for anything to not be where it is 'sposed to be. Honest. You need a cancelled check for a business expense in 1991. 30 seconds. Tax records from 1983. No problem. Ya see, I have verticle filing down to an art.

So to marry a woman just two short years ago who brought with her a lif'e worth of horizontal files is a bit challenging. I see the poor P-Vine trying to find this or that and all I can do is shake my head with sympathy...

But what's a guy to do, anyway?

I am seriously considering a shreader machine and sit her down at it once or twice a week with a pile or two...

But she is real possessive about her piles at this point in time so I'll just have to wait for the right time.

Until then?....
