The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53232   Message #874688
Posted By: *daylia*
25-Jan-03 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kissing -Eyes Closed ! Eyes open!
Subject: RE: BS: Kissing -Eyes Closed ! Eyes open!
This reminds me of how we used to play 'Spin the Bottle' when we were pre-teens. We'd brace ourselves, lips tightly sealed, eyes wide open, then clamp faces together and press each others teeth in while we held our breath. The contest was to see who could hold that posture the longest - which really meant who could hold their breath the longest!

And tongues? Unheard of - yuk yuk YUK!!! - from a child's point of view anyway.

Now this was back in the late 60's/early 70's, and kids are alot more worldly these days. I've even heard 7-year-olds discussing the mechanics of oral sex waiting for the school bus!

As for me, I don't get into the kissing thing much these days. Too 'expensive', and I find music much more satisfying anyway ... don't hafta clean up after it or explain to it where you're going ... or worry about hurting it's feelings when you've had enough and turn it off ... don't hafta shower when it's over ... or take antibiotics/spend decades of your life looking after it's 'products' ...

Hmmmm do I sound like a cynical old crone or WHAT! Better go polish my false teeth now he he he ...

:-)   daylia