The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56133   Message #875724
Posted By: InOBU
27-Jan-03 - 09:36 AM
Thread Name: On Ron Olesko and Singer/Songwriters
Subject: On Ron Olesko and Singer/Songwriters
Great radio show about the MudCD, Ron ... however, you made a remark which reminds me of a discussion I am having regarding the definition of traditional. When you say the music of singer songwriters is not traditional music, it reminds me of the disagreement I have with some English ethnographers about Roma (Gypsies). Thomas Acton refers to the Roma as not being a people of tradition as they do not do things exactly as the generation before has done. The counter to this is put forward by Dr. Ruth Andersen, and I paraphrase both to the extreme here, but she points out that all human society adepts, and adapting within the pattern of one's people is the definition of tradition, that in fact, no culture is static. In that understanding, the fact that we discovered the notion of folk music in the past hundred years, does not mean that those who do what has always been done in the past, write songs of the people, wither you are Ireland's Zoozimus of the last century, or McGrath of Harlow, of this, that you are less traditional.
Just a thought,