The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56169 Message #876406
Posted By: GUEST,mountainclimber
28-Jan-03 - 05:43 AM
Thread Name: Scottish Record Labels - Whats the Scoop
Subject: Scottish Record Labels - Whats the Scoop
Hello, New to Mudcat here. We are a couple of traditional musicians in Scotland and have put together a demo that we are thinking of shopping to some record labels. Having read (with alarmn) the Celtic Music Dave Bulmer postings, we were wondering if there are any similar horror stories (or good advice) about any of the other labels - Greentrax, Lochshore, etc. We wouldn't want to get ripped off. Also do most musicians feel it is better to go with a label, if you can get one to take you on, or just produce your own CD and sell it yourself? All input welcome. Thanks.