The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56205   Message #877141
Posted By: Bobert
28-Jan-03 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: State of the Union
Subject: BS: State of the Union
Well, I figured I'd get in my State of the Union address before the Repubolcrats stink up the joint so here goes:

It sucks. Boss Hog has pushed so hard that in doing so he's not only eaten everything in sight but also the seeds for next years crop. Man, that's bad,

But now for the good news. Unemployment is up meaning that those folks lucky enough to still have a job will take pay cuts, health insurance cutsm higher co-pays. Heck, they'll work longer and harder just to have a job.

But on the down side. The stock market is in the crapper. The bond market ain't too far behind. The states are bankrupt but, hey, per capita incarceration is up, especially amoung black males. Now that's good 'cause if they can't play sports that's a good place for them. Right.

Ahhh, now in the coming year we're going to have to get governemnt off the working man's back so the Justice department is going to very active in getting pro-choice and AA off the books. Speaking of books, I say "No child left unrecruited!" Yep in the next year tyhe military will begin visiting the elementary schools looking for folks to bring along into the fold.

Now as for the economy, we're gonna have to pump some money into it if we're going to get it turned around. Ms. Mitchell, who taught Econmics back when I was in school called me the other night and said, "Mr. President. Ahhh, that's me you know. Mr. President, it doesn't matter who gets the money as long as someone does so we're going to give it to the folks who pay the most taxes and, don't woryy, it will filter down to everyone." So that's what we're going to do.

Now, these a difficult times that require great courage so I'm asking John Ashcroft to start tomorrow to reign in the voices who challenge the greatness of America. Yes, these are not times for disent. These are times to get behind America. So until further notice there protest will be outlawed in America and will be as long as we are at war.

Speaking of war, Saddam tried to kill my daddy. I don't know about you7 folks but I only have one daddy and it makes me real mad when someone tries to kill him. Plus, we have ariel photographs of truck movement in Iraq and you know when a truck moves nothing good comes out of it so Saddam has to go. He is a wart on the end of the Eart's nose, a peeble in the Earth's shoe and an evil man so he has to go. Did I tell you that he tried to kill my daddy?

Well, my fellow Americans, that's about it from here.

God Bless America...