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Thread #55999   Message #877319
Posted By: GUEST,Claymore
29-Jan-03 - 02:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Subject: RE: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Hey Don F, I appeciate in main the points you have made and for the most part agree with some portions of them. But the blanket assertion that those who agree with the Bush Administration's stance are sitting back and letting others do the thinking is the stupidist thought so far evinced. The elitist thought that "We are Thoughtful, They are Sheep" is beneath you. I questioned the Hell out of the previous Bag of Puss who infected the White House, when you folks were sitting back, just accepting what was said and done.

The long term moral abuses of the Clinton era led to the long term corporate scandals. His failure to set accounts for the Cole led to 9/11, and so on. Talk about sitting back...

Now make no mistake, there are some folks who make assertions that do not hold water (Axis of Evil speech "causes" N Korea build up; Someone does a blue clicky on an opinion article written in a Communist [with big C] magazine, about the Big Lie that has something to do with incubator scam and the twits who clicked the article didn't have enough memory cells to remember that the Wash Post had above-the-fold articles on the Kuwaiti Ambassador connection within two weeks of the original story and THREE MONTHS before first bomb fell - ain't facts a bitch).

As an interesting world view I would suggest an op-ed in the Sunday Wash Post, by an Italian reporter, Gianni Riotta. (Don't know how to do a blue clicky but an Italian comment has got to be better than a seven year old Communist one; haven't those twits heard they lost?)

My point is simply this, I tend to take the word of my own government over that of either a Korean wackoid dictator or an Iraqi wackoid dictator or any other nation, but not to slavish aquiessence. I have fought in several conflicts and do not advocate what I haven't experienced. I expect the three branches of government to engage in vigorous debate and consultation. I will watch for a sequence of facts which may cause me to agree or to disagree with the issue, and make my representatives aware of my choice. But I absolutely assure you that I am not sitting back...

Incidently, I recall the original quote ended, "May she always be right, but my country right or wrong" - (we don't want any of that slavish acceptance now would we?).