The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56216   Message #877453
Posted By: Teribus
29-Jan-03 - 07:00 AM
Thread Name: Beagle or Beadle?
Subject: RE: Beagle or Beadle?
Beagles - daftest dogs in creation

Once watched a pack chase a hare. The beagles were hot in pursuit, heads down, hot on the scent. The hare ran into this cul-de-sac part of a field closely followed by the beagle pack. The hare couldn't get out so just ran straight back through the middle of the pack and off into the countryside - not one single beagle in that pack even lifted its nose from the ground to watch him. We were in tucks, helpless with laughter for about five minutes - so much for being vicious, tenatious, merciless killers from whom no prey is safe.

Had a word with the Huntsman at the pub later, he told me that they frequently get lost on hunts and are totally incapable of fending for themselves - daftest dogs in creation, was his description.