The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56205   Message #877618
Posted By: GUEST
29-Jan-03 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: State of the Union
Subject: RE: BS: State of the Union
It's all theater. You watched the lead hijacker on the podium last night. You watched the man who has cut off medical benefits for WW2 and Korean War veterans. You listened to the man who has overseen a hundred major corporate scandals and taken no action. He has taken this country from record surpluses to a future of unending deficits while he sets our country up to be taken down by the U.N. You saw the 'Rothschild Formula' in action...when there is a weak country, tell it a strong country threatens it and sell weapons. Only now there are no countries left that can threaten 'the world's last superpower', so Bush is forming a coalition to fight us. Every action, every utterance from the man infuriates the world, and that is by design. We will launch an unjustified and illegal war and kill millions in the Middle East, and then the U.N. will be forced to take action against us...the most formidable rogue nation on the planet. And since Bush cut our nuclear arsenal by 80% before he started on his globalist-assigned task of making us the bully who HAS to be brought down, he will tearfully announce in the next State of the Union that, 'Things ain't so good, comrades'. Pitiful spectacle. The man is the greatest traitor this country ever produced.