The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56169 Message #877629
Posted By: smallpiper
29-Jan-03 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: Scottish Record Labels - Whats the Scoop
Subject: RE: Scottish Record Labels - Whats the Scoop
Ah there you have a problem. Your local education authority has the right to limit the number of hours you play in public (for money that is) so if you have a supportive parent can they take you to folk clubs/sessions where you can do floor spots and generally play with other people to increase your performace skills and your self confidence. Study hard as well and when you are old enough go to university to to a degree in traditional music - Newcastle does one. Then you may well find that all the hard work you put in now will stand you in good stead. Good luck and whatever you do don't loose heart but keep playing!