The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55999   Message #877684
Posted By: GUEST,jaze
29-Jan-03 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Subject: RE: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Frankly, I don't understand why it is so difficult for people to understand why so many Americans would like (1)proof and (2) UN backing in this. Americans are afraid and justly so. Never before have we had to worry about people using horrendous diseases against civilians. To go it alone will only anger and alienate more of the world and make the US look like a world bully. This-- we're the strongest so we can do any thing we like-- attitude is surely firghtening to other countries. Whose next?? From the sounds of the speech last night I'd say Iran and N. Korea better prepare. I predict that if we do this without full UN support, the terrorist attacks against the US and it's citizen's will be unimaginable. Is that not a legitimate concern? Helping countries like Kososvo,and Kuwait had a nobility to it. Where is the nobility in this?