The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55999   Message #878006
Posted By: Gareth
29-Jan-03 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Subject: RE: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Err Hang Off Don. I dont interpret what Claymore said as a deliberate misinterpretation.

I have no respect for GWB, or his controllers - But for evil to triumph all it need is for nothing to be done.

It may be accurate to say that the driving force is the need to secure oil supplies for the USA oil companies - A question I will ask is what are the practicle alternatives ?? The Middle East in French hands ?? Fundamentalist Moslem hands ??? Baaathist Hands ??

How would those help the working class anywhere ???

I have no doubt that given any of the above alternative this valuble and finite resource would be used as a weapon, and a weapon of mass deconstruction.

No untill I am shewn proof to the contary I will support Tony Blair's line of critical support.
