The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56258   Message #878551
Posted By: harvey andrews
30-Jan-03 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: Music and Depression
Subject: RE: Music and Depression
I was down like I had never been so down in my life, but that's not the story. The story is that in the deepest down I walked into Woolworths.At that time they were selling a series of LP's called "music for pleasure". cheap but excellent. I thumbed through the rack and something told me that as I was going to start a new life I should start it now. For no reason I can fathom I bought two LP's one of two Mozart symphonies and the other of pieces by Delius. I had one or two classical records but I hardly ever listened to them. Within a few days I played the Delius every few hours. The effect those pieces had on me was unbelievable. Every play was one step more up that depression mountain to the sun. The Mozart kicked in too and I found myself buying an LP a week and building a collection of music I'd never really listened to before. No words, no voices, just sound.
I can honestly say Delius saved my life.
I don't know what your "Delius" will be, but it's out there. Sounds like a new life is about to begin. Ditch the pills and fight back.