The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56204   Message #878742
Posted By: catspaw49
30-Jan-03 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Baby: A Girl!!!!!
Subject: RE: Mudcat Baby: A Girl!!!!!
......and Spaw is once again making lewd suggestions.

Also SRS....I'm with Sorch.........We all get really hung up on kids because we love 'em so much. When we adopted Tris we were lucky enough to bring him straight home from the hospital and when I looked at him I thought he was the most beautiful thing in the world. But prior to becoming a Dad and all AND if you really take a good look at any baby, you have to agree that "beautiful baby" is an oxymoron. Egads what a frightening thing they are. Wan't it Cosby who said they "didn't look done and needed to go back in the oven for awhile?" Actually when I look at how grossly lacking we are as a species, I am constantly amazed that we are at the top of the the moment.

Puppies are cute. Babies are wrinkled up, pruney, reddish-splotchy little suckers. But like all of you, I find them just adorable.
