The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56169 Message #878748
Posted By: Strupag
30-Jan-03 - 08:09 PM
Thread Name: Scottish Record Labels - Whats the Scoop
Subject: RE: Scottish Record Labels - Whats the Scoop
Hi guys, Where about's are you based (Broadly - Highlands or Lowlands) and what kind of stuff do you do? I was a co-founder of Loch Broom FM in Ullapool and now live in Skye and am involved in starting up Cuillin FM and would welcolm a copy of your album. We won't be on air until around September but if you send a copy to:- Attn, Andy Strupag, Cuillin FM, C/O Aros, Portree, Isle of Skye, I'll certainly play it and organise and interview