The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56251   Message #878755
Posted By: Tweed
30-Jan-03 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: Keeping the Blues Alive Award,WFDU
Subject: RE: Keeping the Blues Alive Award,WFDU
Dere Mr. Olesku,
It's a coincidnz i'm shore, but the fellers and me are aslo gonna hav ar fundraiser this Febuary fer ar radio tower, which you ar alreddy familyar wif. We soon larned thet you cain't run a good quality stashon on gud looks, even tho we hav pleny of them.

Hopefully we kin raze enoff cake to afford to pay royalties fer the musik thet we hav reddy to send across the earth, but khandu thinks thet meens we pay him sinz he'z confinsed he iz king of the land of cotton. I hav know idee why thet is but we ar afraid to tell him different for he won't have a fit like a sleepwalker.

Anyhow, pleez congratulate yore man Bob for me and I dug up a photo of the award he'z about to recieve. Blues don't get much press an it's a comfort to know that some radio folks out there champeen the music that some of us hav come to love so much.


If Bob got loose and went down there, tell him to try the gumbo joint on Beale Street. You get good blues with a big bowl of good gumbo, rice and bread.
