The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56273   Message #878802
Posted By: katlaughing
30-Jan-03 - 10:07 PM
Thread Name: 'Land Where The Blues Began' Lomax, Sad.
Subject: RE: 'Land Where The Blues Began' Lomax, Sad.
Rick, thanks for the review. Sounds like one I will have to read. I don't have a lot of personal experience, except that I know it was not exclusive to the South. I came across newspaper archives in Casper which showed a cross being burnt, courtesy of the WY KKK, in the 1950's, either near or on the college property, can't remember the exact details.

It was a Casperite by the last name of Reeb who was one of the three white kids killed in one of the protest marches in the early 60's down south. They still have an annual dinner in his honour.

I also had a boss who grew up in Kansas. He was older than me and remember several things including a sign which literally did say "Nigger don't let the sun set on your ass in this town." He told an ungly story about a black man's testicles being nailed to a stump, attached, and set on fire, when my boss was a teen. As you can imagine it left quite an impression on him.

Personal experience, I do remember a very blind blonde woman married to a black man when I was a young mother. Her children and mine played in teh community pool together. I remember a lot of dirty looks towards her and people taking their kids out of the pool. She and I never spoke; I think she was too private and protective and I was, believe it or not, too shy.
