The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56278   Message #878807
Posted By: GUEST,Taliesn
30-Jan-03 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: What's all this molloch malarcky ?
Subject: BS: What's all this molloch malarcky ?
My sweet Lord but this molloch cult bruhahah sounds awful "paganist" to me. Tell me this guest actually believes that any of this has any genuine meaning whatsoever.
Meanwhile this GUEST hasn't even gotten warmed up yet about the Yale club that Papa Bush ,and grandpappa Prescott Bush , were indoctrinated into ; namely "The Skulls". ( spooky music ).

Man, you blow whatever credability you "believe" you hold like a wet bar of soap when you quote this kind of "internet" bildgewater. Whatever happened to healthy skepticism and reason in-place of runnig all half-cocked over some the usual suspects of '"the conspiracy theories".

Yet you utterly fail to site the fact that saddam sees himself as the inheritor of King Nebekunezzar of Babylon abd has used Iraq's public treasure to rebuild a Babylonian temple. even PBS' "Frontline" and National Geographic have reported about that.
Why is this GUEST so "selective" , some would say sloppy, in his Von Helsing's quest for sniffing cultish behavior of national leaders and going all Henny Penny about the sky falling.

I thought the watch word was don't believe eveything you read in the press...yet you quote a conspiracy theory website wihtout bothering to cross-reference . I guess you also belive it wasn't David Koresh who lit the holacaust at Waco , but Janet Reno.

Yeah ,there's plenty of "videos" , endorsed & promoted by Jerry Fallwell ,proving that bullshit as well.

Get real will you please