The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55705   Message #879086
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
31-Jan-03 - 09:53 AM
Thread Name: Kim Howells (PEL)
Subject: RE: Kim Howells
I just came across this speech by Kim Howells from a year ago, before the bill was introduced. It's worth reading, because of the quotes it gives to cut the legs from under him. For example:

Music does so much to add to the quality of life for so many people. Britain in particular enjoys an excellent international reputation for the diversity, vitality and quality of its music...

...Music is an important part of British culture ...

...We are here today to talk about and celebrate music and music makers who work 'outside of the mainstream' and I am delighted that ACE have increased their support for organisations like the African and Caribbean Music circuit, the Asian Music circuit and the Folk Arts Network...

Actually does anyone feel like writing to those bodies and asking them to raise their voices over the issue of the licensing restrictions?

Particularly maybe the Folk Arts Network. Of course they all get grants from the British Council, and hence from the government, but that doesn't mean they don't have a duty to speak up for the people out in the community.