The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55999   Message #879137
Posted By: Bobert
31-Jan-03 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: US & British war plans blocked
Subject: RE: BS: US & British war plans blocked

Time magazine is like pablem. They write whatever the governemnt wants them to write. Keep in mind that during these years that they say Korea was going hot and heavy in developing a nuclear weapon (if that's what they really said...) one should keep in mind that IAEA inspectors were there and that the two reactors in Yongbyon would have had to be completed to produce enough plutonium (approx 5 kilos) for make a bomb.

The IAEA were on top of the situation and obnly after their ecent departure has NK blown a lot of smoke in trying to gey the US to regoniate a more comprehensive agreement to replace the *Agreed Framework) that was signed in 1994. It should also be noted that the US was to assist in the building of two light water reactors that produce electricity that the US did not do as agreed upon.

Now, whereas the CIA says the NK *probably* possesses one bomb their is no proff, other than NK's statement which many folks believe is just a ploy to get the US back on board.

Like Iraq, this administration, rather than diplomacy choozes to threaten folks so it's no wonder that NK says it has a bomb. Even if they do, which is doubtful, they have not conducted any tests of either a weapon or delivery system.

But you can be sure, the "axis of evil" speech definately but a nuclear program back on the front burner for a lot of folks...
