The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56298   Message #879203
Posted By: Amos
31-Jan-03 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mandela on Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Mandela on Bush
I am not impressed.

The Truman decision to drop the atomic bomb was frightful. Was it any less frightful than the atrocities that began with Pearl Harbor, and continued throughout the Japanese war? It was not callous, in the way that Mandela implies. Mandela is in no position to estimate the alliance between Britain ajnd the United States which is forged in a hotter and longer fire than he has, himself, been through.

Furthermore Mandela is making bogeymen out of racial issues instead of addressing the issues that are on the table. The logic of his rhetoric is just as watery and polluted with agendae as Bush's own stupid rhetoric.

A Pax on both their houses. But let us not pretend that the problem Bush claims to be addressing is nonexistant. That would be far too much a swing in the opposite direction.