The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56285   Message #879595
Posted By: Penny S.
31-Jan-03 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: OK, England does have 1 fault
Subject: RE: BS: OK, England does have 1 fault
Many of the drivers round here, on the fringes of London, have never had to drive in snow before - we haven't had a good fall for years. If we made a mess of it when we did have it every year, that would be a different situation - when it was more frequent, there was far less of a problem. And far fewer people actually thought it was a good idea to go out in it. The chief danger for those of us who know how to do it is the silly little boys who don't driving up one's exhaust pipe! I went out last night briefly, while it was actually falling (horizontally), and what with the brakes complaining about frozen stuff in them, and the visibility, and said drivers, I quickly came home again. Out for about eight minutes, and my tracks had gone.
