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Thread #56298   Message #879778
Posted By: Barry Finn
01-Feb-03 - 12:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mandela on Bush
Subject: RE: BS: Mandela on Bush
Mandela's speech is right to the point & dead accurate. Bush has no foresight & couldn't think a situation through until after he's gone & shot off his mouth about how willing he is to put us into a world nightmare that's not been seen before by mankind. We don't have any friends or allies more on target is that we have associates with whom we do business (a friend will stick it out with you, let's see what'll happen when our "partners shit hits there own fan). As one country after another starts to show it's hatred of the US we'll have more N Koreas Iran's (oh shit we backed the Shar) coming out & trying our hand as we spread our selves so thin that it'll be like the buzzards picking at our bones. Why did we offer Turkey a looooooooow interest loan on the condition that they let us place our forces there? A country that's gone through 10 yrs of hell & is trying to rebuild, how bad are we? Like asking a kid who's starving he can eat but... Bush cannot afford to not go in now. The high command doesn't want to fight in the soon be desert heat, if he waits the anti war movement might snowball out of control. His ratings may take more of a dive & that'll cost him the next election. As we seek to assert our power in the Mid East & over the rest of the world a conflict (can we call this a war yet) will band the Eastern world against us & hell will seem like a campfire. I guess we could nuke them all (do we have any weapons of mass destruction?). Two lessons we should've remembered about The Nam. The US needs the support of its people to wage a war that it's 'hopes' to win. The next is a bit to hard for Bush to understand (what was that about not being able to think ahead?). A people that's willing to never stop no matter what & have a spirit to match can never be defeated. Back to Iraq, Whom are we going to put into power & run that nation for us? Papa or Little Doc, the Taliban, a Shar, Fulgencio Batista, Aristride, the Kurds, maybe set up a few warlords or turn the place into civil war & back the Punjabi, the Sindhi, the Pashtun or the Baloch Muhajir. We could see if His Excellency Burhanuddin Rabbani will run 2 places at the same time seeing as how he's been doing such a great job of restoring peace to our newest country. We could put Tony Blair in command or one of the Royal Saudi's, after they are of not further use to us & we have control there too. This will be the first war in history to end all wars, (it'll bring peace, dah?) HELL we have God on our side. We have just-us in mind. Bush will never be the man Mandela is, he couldn't even walk in his shadow. Some of the news reports say the he's the most respected statesman alive (we can fix that too). Winner of the noble peace prize (can any imagine Duh earning that), former President of South Africa (what a terrible job he did there) & our politicians cast aside his wisdom, advice & comments, I guess we're really open to the idea of peace & understanding. Does anyone think that Bush is listening to anyone? Good night I have to go wake the kids up & save them from the Iraq Attack. Yeah, Right. Barry