The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56274   Message #879826
Posted By: chouxfleur
01-Feb-03 - 03:31 AM
Thread Name: Welcome: New member - Chouxfleur
Subject: RE: Welcome: New member - Chouxfleur
Subject: RE: Welcome: New member - Chouxfleur
Date: 01 Feb 03 - 03:24 AM

Hi all....sorry about that, I hadnt reset my cookie on this this is from meeee Chouxfleur n not a guest as it says in the one now you can read this all over again....choux

Someone asked me about myself....well here goes
Born in Hove sometime in 1950, just under 6 feet tall, medium build, specs, follicly challenged (bald!!!), occupation for last 20 years photographer. Started playing guitar at around 15, got hooked on acoustics. began going to Stanford Arms Folk Club in 1969 (Miles Wootton and Spud Taylor (sorry Allan Taylor) were residents. I became a resident in 1977. Stopped playing in mid 80's, came back to it in early 90's....didnt like what was going on in the clubs then so, with a pal, started The Harbour Sessions Club in 2000. had carpal Tunnel in both wrists for last 4 months so playing on hold again (bugger!). But all being well having operation on both hands in a couple of weeks , so hopefully I'll get back to my first love, playing my guitars. guitars. My best pal is Miles Wootton(who I know many of you know). We spend hours talking everything and nothing, and putting the world to right.
If anyone is interested theres a picture of me on the home page of our web site
Well, this is brief cos I've gotta go and open up the 'shop' now...busy day.
See y'all soon
Oh, and the handle....well I used to sing with a guy called Tim Broadbent (He moved to France to open a restaurant years ago) and he used to call me chouxfleur cos my name is Collyer....caulifower...chouxfleur...
All the best