The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55500   Message #880259
Posted By: clansfolk
01-Feb-03 - 05:07 PM
Thread Name: PELs: Exemptions?
Subject: RE: PELs: Exemptions?
I agree - I never except anything from the house as gospel - like wise I would also not accept anything from a union or such a body at face value more so information posted on the internet would be under close scrutiny......

My view (which is as much as I feel entitles to say...)

At present (correct me if you can show me different) the proposals apply to

         a performance of a play,
         a performance of live music,
         any playing of recorded music,
         a performance of dance,
         entertainment of a similar description,

where the entertainment takes place in the presence of an audience or spectators and is provided for the purpose, or for purposes    which include the purpose, of entertaining that audience or spectators

The proposals carry on from the current license and are there to protect the entertainer and the public I'm also amazed that comedians (amongst others) are not included unless the comedian carries a deadly weapon e.g. a guitar.

At present a public house doesn't have a "capacity limit" if it doesn't apply for a PEL.

----- what I would like to see........

Removal of the inclusions of the above sections of entertainment totally from the licensing law

An inclusion of a "capacity limit" for all public venues.

- and may I add I am amazed in the amount of hackles that have been raise by me simply trying to inform readers of the PEL threads that a new tactic was being implemented by MPs in responses to the request to sign EDM 331 - Don't shoot the messenger et al.....
