The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11680   Message #88047
Posted By: Fadac @ Home
19-Jun-99 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: Brief Mudcat Biographies.
Subject: RE: Brief Mudcat Biographies.
I was issued on Jan. 9, 1950. My mother was XArmy and my father was on active duty in Germany. Mom was discharged in Piping (sp?) China in '48, that is where she met my father, but that's another story.

Lived at various Army posts untill 1953, moved to Sapho Washington. Then to Port Angeles. Spent all my "going to school" years there. Went to sea in 1962 on a salmon boat. Damn near got rammed by the ruskies twice. (This was about the time of the U2 thing, so we were a bit tense.) The Russians were within 1/4 mile off the coast. When we called the Navy they just said we were lying. We could see the russian flags from the phone booth! Graduated from HS in 1968, the Navy wanted me real bad to work on a nuke sub. At this time I had enough of boats, so talked to the Army recuter. Became a FADAC repairman. Now you can find out what FADAC stands for: Field Arty. Digital Automatic Computer. One of the very first digital computers to be used in the field for aiming guns. It is also so obsolite now, that they don't even teach the thory of how it worked.

Two tours in Viet Nam (we were winning when I left.) and a total of six years in the Army, I got out. Went into the computer trade here in Ca. as a hardware tech. Basicly been doing that ever sence. Oh, drove truck, learned to fly, still ride motorcycles, live on a boat in the SF bay. Ham radio operator. Do volinteer work with Civil Air Patrol.

Notice, no music as I was growing up. I had a radio, that's it. I discovered music at 40, fooled around with bagpipes, penny wistles, and now seriously studing the accordion. I like most kinds of music, from the old classics to some rap. I prefer to play folk type music at this time. However I think when my skill gets better, I will be more intrested in clasical music. (Ever heard "Flight of the bumble bee on an accordion? awsome!)

Oh, married in 1978, motorcycle wedding, knew the lady for three weeks. We will have been married 21 years next month. And they said it wouln't last. No kids. (Phyisical reasons.)

There you have it.