The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #56241   Message #880863
Posted By: GUEST
02-Feb-03 - 05:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sacrifice to Moloch?
Subject: RE: BS: Sacrifice to Moloch?
How easily deceived you folks are. GWBush isn't a Christian. Never has been. The official version is that he had his 'irresponsible years', then he was 'saved' by no less than Billy Graham during a stroll by the ocean. Hogwash. If you look at what he DOES and not what he says, he's no Christian. In everything he says, he is directing you 180 degrees away from what he really means. Always.

I don't especially mind GW putting on the act, though, because the Constititution talks about our rights being 'God-given'. The framers did that so no human could take them away, as Bush/Clinton want to do. They would actually have to defy God in order to strike down our Constitution, and that SHOULD be a bit too much for the American public to bear. So let GW rave on about his'll just make it harder for him to suspend our 'God-given' rights when he tries.