The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34906   Message #881052
Posted By: GUEST,Q
02-Feb-03 - 10:52 PM
Thread Name: Help: 'Lily of the West' known during Civil War?
Subject: RE: Help: 'Lily of the West' known dur.Civil War?

(air: Lillie of the West

I sing of the Battle of Bellmont, twas near Columbus town,
The Yankees in great numbers from Cairo did come down,
The 7th day of November in the year of '61,
They matched us in Missouri with numbers five to one,
They matched us in Missouri with numbers five to one.

Our boys they bravely fought them and many they did slay,
But overpowered and outnumbered they were forced to give way,
They captured Watson's battery and thought the Battle o'er,
When the 11th Louisiana came from old Kentucky's shore,
When the 11th Louisiana came from old Kentucky's shore.

Twas there we took them by the flank and poured a deadly fire,
And when we gave a dozen rounds, we forced them to retire;
We followed them for several miles , their dead did strew the ground,
Their knapsacks and provisions were scattered all around,-
Their knapsacks and provisions were scattered all around.

If our provisions e'er got scarce, I vow we have a fight,
We're sure to get a dinner boys when Yankees take to flight;
Our Cavalry caught them at their boats, and slaughtered them like sheep,
Oh, there's many a northern lady, for her lover now doth weep,-
Oh, there's many a northern lady for her lover now does weep.

They hastened back to Cairo, where they now had best remain,
For we'er (sic) prepared to meet them, if they e'er should come again;
So Abe you'd better summer [simmer] down, and lay aside your plans,
For Southern boys can ne'er be whipped as Yankees steal their land,-
For Southern boys can ne'er be whipped as Yankees steal their land.
@Civil War @Southern @Cairo, IL.

There are few Civil War period poems or songs about the war in this region. A broadside in American Memory, Nineteenth-Century Song Sheets, Item 7 of 500, no date or publisher but likely between 1861 and 1864. Air given as Lillie of the West.

I have seen a song (by Art Thieme?) which mentions the Customs House at Cairo during the Civil War. The Customs House was built after the Civil War (1870s) as a division of the New Orleans Customs Collection region. Thread 40586: CAIRO